CrossFit Territory

What is CrossFit?

Cross­Fit is the prin­ci­pal strength and con­di­tion­ing pro­gram for many police acad­e­mies and tac­ti­cal oper­a­tions teams, mil­i­tary spe­cial oper­a­tions units, cham­pion mar­tial artists, and hun­dreds of other elite and pro­fes­sional ath­letes worldwide.

Our pro­gram deliv­ers a fit­ness that is, by design, broad, gen­eral, and inclu­sive. Our spe­cial­ity is not spe­cial­is­ing. Com­bat, sur­vival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fit­ness and, on aver­age, pun­ish the specialist.

The Cross­Fit pro­gram is designed for uni­ver­sal scal­a­bil­ity mak­ing it the per­fect appli­ca­tion for any com­mit­ted indi­vid­ual regard­less of expe­ri­ence. We’ve used our same rou­tines for elderly indi­vid­u­als with heart dis­ease and cage fight­ers one month out from tele­vised bouts. We scale load and inten­sity; we don’t change programs.

The needs of Olympic ath­letes and our grand­par­ents dif­fer by degree and inten­sity, not kind. Cross­Fit is fun, chal­leng­ing and close com­mu­nity expe­ri­ence and we’ll turn what was once your bor­ing exer­cise pro­gram into the sport of fitness.

Con­tent pro­vided by
